June 25, 2008

Bem-vindos!!! (= Welcome!)

What to expect from PortugueseTips
This blog is intended for learners of Portuguese as a second language who want to add to their learning with some regular quick facts, tips, links, new words etc. Posts won't be necessarily lessons every time. The idea is that you can come back here (which will be easy if you subscribe to the rss feed :-)) a couple of times a week and feel that you've learnt a little something new. Some of the posts will be aimed at beginners, some, may be aimed at an advanced level and written in Portuguese (I'll make sure to tag them appropriately), but there will be something for everybody.

Why come here (rather than just doing portuguese lessons)?
Chances are that, even if you have studied a lot of Portuguese, you will find something here that you just didn't get the chance to come across in a lesson. For example (I may tell you some slangs da hora (= cool) that I may hear from my cool Brazilian friends, point you to a nice site or cover things not to say to your girlfriend's parents or in a business transaction... Plus, if you have lessons say, once a week (as many of my students do), you can keep Portuguese a little be more active in the in between.

About me
My name is Ananda Lima, often confused with Adriana Lima because of our very similar names, physical appearance and Portuguese teaching abilities. ... ok, maybe she is prettier... but I think at least I am a better teacher! :-) ... I was born and bred in Brasília (the capital of Brazil) and I have been teaching language and linguistics (as a private tutor or in different schools) for over 10 years now (only because I started early! :-)). I also have a background in linguistics, and have done research on Portuguese grammar. I teach private lessons in New York City and online. (What about you? What brings you here? Feel free to introduce yourself in the comments).

Now that you are in, let's get started!


  1. "Feel free to introduce yourself..."

    Hi, I'm Mitchell, I knew Ananda in Australia. Learning Portuguese is one of many things I'd like to do, but always put off until the future - for Brazil is the land of the future, right? Only it seems to be getting good press lately. Financial Times, earlier this month: "It is no exaggeration to say that Brazil is on the verge of superpower status." Maybe the future has finally arrived!

  2. Que legal achar alguem que fala portugues no blogosphere!!!

    Tem taaantos blogs para outras linguas, mais quase nunca se acha um blog pro Portugues (brasileiro)

    Meu nome e Rebeca...nasci no Rio...moro em NJ ha mmuuiittos anos!

  3. Oi Mitchel! Nice to see you around here! Great news about Brazil! Let's see where it leads! :-)

    Oi Rebeca! Obrigada pela visita!

  4. Oi Ananda, tudo bem?

    Great blog. Perhaps you should explain the benefits of speaking Portuguese so that learners will be motivated.

    Boa sorte!

  5. Oi, profesora!
    I am a capoeirista that stumbled upon this site while looking for information for a translation I was at work on. It consists of a collection of songs we sing (called "corridos" in Portuguese) and, although my knowledge of the formal language could always use work, the songs use a lot of colloquial language that I'm not familiar with.
    Thank you very much for sharing this blog, it's already proven very useful to me.
    Ate logo!

  6. Hi, my name is Heather and I am just learning Brazilian Portuguese. Eu falar um pouco g Portuguese! (Emphasis on um pouco!) I want to learn it since my boyfriend is from Goias, Brasil and he still has a lot of family there, including his parents. I also work with a musical artist who has a big following in Brasil, and it would be prudent to learn how to speak Portuguese to discuss her tours and travel there. I have never been to Brasil, but would really like to go. That said, I am having a VERY hard time getting the correct sound for "No." I tend to say it "nun," "now," "none" or just plain "no," but I am having a lot of difficulty getting that nasal A sound in there, and I also put too much emphasis on the "o" at the end. Any tips?? Obrigada.


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